Some foxyproxy features:
* Define multiple proxies
* Define which proxy to use (or none!) for arbitrary URLs using wildcards, regular expression and other conveniences
* No more wondering whether a URL loaded through a proxy or not: FoxyProxy optionally logs all URLs, including which proxy was used (if any), which pattern was matched, timestamps, etc.
* Out-of-the-box support for Tor with the unique Tor Wizard - zero configuration!
* Temporarily or permanently dedicate all URLs to go through a particular proxy
* Temporarily or permanently disable use of a proxy
* Automatically add blocked sites to a proxy and have them reload through the proxy
* Optional status bar information about which proxy is currently in use
* Complete Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) support
* Download a link using one of your defined proxies with a simple right-click (coming soon)
* Unobtrusive presence, stable execution, premier support
* Optionally force Firefox to perform DNS lookups through a SOCKS4a/5 server. Note that Firefox without FoxyProxy always performs DNS lookups through a SOCKS5 server if you've defined one. Only with FoxyProxy can you instruct Firefox to not use defined SOCKS5 servers for DNS lookups.
Friday Squid Blogging: New Squid Fossil
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